Main conference: May 24-26 2023
Day 1 & 2 Oral and poster presentations, Royal Society of Edinburgh, City Centre
Day 3 Workshops, scientific discussion groups, proposals, Heriot-Watt/British Geological Survey, Edinburgh campus
Field excursions:
May 18-23 2023: Scottish Geo-Transect Pre-conference excursion from Edinburgh to NW Scotland and the Isle of Skye and return, crossing the principal geo-tectonic elements of Scotland. Examination of a range of structural features, igneous-metamorphic rocks, and sedimentary successions. Scottish castles, lochs and scenery.
May 27 2023: Hutton’s Unconformity Day excursion to visit this classic locality at Siccar Point as well as parts of the Carboniferous sedimentary succession of East Lothian.
May 27 2023: Building stones of Edinburgh Half-day excursion around the streets of the old-town Edinburgh, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to examine some of the main building stones used in its construction.
May 28 – June 2 2023: Cyprus Contourites Post-conference excursion to examine and discuss some of the best-known examples anywhere in the world of contourites exposed on land. These are Oligo-Miocene calci-contourites, interbedded with turbidites and pelagites. We will also view the classic Troodos ophiolite and associated deposits.
Conference themes include:
- Bottom currents – physical oceanography, eddies and benthic storms, internal waves and tides, numerical modelling
- Contourites – modern and ancient, shallow to deep water, carbonates and clastics, ichnofacies, microfacies and fabric
- Process interaction – downslope and alongslope processes, hybrid deposits
- Global interactions – tectonics and ocean gateways, palaeoceanography and climate, ecology
- Hazards – slope stability and tsunamigenesis
- Sediment routing – sediment budgets, contourite cyclicity, deepwater organic carbon
- Seismics and subsurface – sequence stratigraphy, petrophysics and image logs